That’s right, I’m a double kidney transplant recipient working long days outside in a physically demanding job.
What about you?
Do you feel like your body aches and creaks every time you get on the job site?
Do you feel fatigued & have to take breaks every 30 minutes?
Do you wonder why you can’t put in as many long hours or days as you used to?
I used to be like that too, but not anymore. There is an answer.
What about you?
Are you finding it harder and harder to work a physical job day after day?
Are the repetitive motions leaving you in pain?
Is the lifting hurting your knees or straining your back?
I feel your pain. That was me, too. I lived the stress of feeling your body scream at you. I never want to feel that way again.
But, what about you?
Do you feel fatigued after just an hour of work?
Are you drinking 5 Cokes a day or downing energy drinks, just to get through the day?
Do you wonder why your body isn’t recovering from one workday to the next?
I know that fatigue. I lived that weariness. That was me and I never want to put up with that again. I know you don’t want to, either.
What if?
What if you could turn the clock back in time 10 or 15 years and put the time at work without breaking a sweat like you were in your 20’s?
What if you could get up early, work all day and not need to drink the cokes or energy drinks to get through the day?
I know you remember that energy you had.
I know you can remember the confidence you had in your strength.
You could push through any task and still have stamina.
You didn’t consider fatigue could slow you down.
You didn’t think about not having enough energy to tackle every job.
You didn’t worry about what the challenge was, because you knew your body
could handle it.
I know you can remember when you could outwork most men.
What if you could have that level of confidence in your body again?
What if you could go back to feeling like you were in your 20’s again?
What if you had confidence in your body like you used to, where you went to work every day, never considering that your body would be creaking, aching or moaning at you?
I know you can remember when every workday was just another day to get the job done.
You never thought about being uncomfortable or miserable.
You never worried about the physical demands of the job.
You never considered the weather or deadlines because you knew you could handle every physical challenge.
You knew that whatever the demands were, you could do it.
Your body would be there for you.
What if you had that certainty in your body again?
What if you really could turn back the clock 10 or 15 years?
Take YOUR Health Back
Here’s what I did. It helped the pain, and it helped me get my strength back.
It will help you too and make you a better version of yourself.
There is a way to help that pain.
There is a way to get your strength back,
There is a way to make yourself a better version of yourself and turn the clock back 10 or 15 years.
This is Next Level Health.
Your reliable vibrant health is the goal.
And I know you think you’ve heard it all and maybe you’ve tried different programs too,
like we all have. There’s been endless diets, expert endorsed eating plans, celebrity fads, trendy workouts, and the endless promises of solutions.
You don’t need another empty promise.
You need answers and you need them now.
Your body is a miracle.
The answer is simple, but it is not new.
The answer is FOOD.
Food is the perfect fuel for your body.
That is the original design.
Wait, before you yawn, you need to know something.
We messed up food.
That’s another big, long story that’s easy to overlook when you just want to eat something and get back to work, but it’s true.
It’s easy to overlook the importance of food when you’re struggling to get through the day to do your work, to pay the bills just to make through another day.
It’s easy to overlook the impact of food, when we’ve all trusted that our food was the best.
Did you know that National Geographic published an illuminating article highlighting how many of today’s whole foods are less vitamin and nutrient-dense than they were 70 years ago? According to this article, fruits, vegetables, and grains grown today contain less calcium, phosphorus, iron, riboflavin, vitamin C, and protein than they did. Experts believe that it is only getting worse.

Let’s face it, our food is a mess.
Our food is seriously lacking the nutrients your body needs for fuel.
Our food tastes great but your body runs on nutrients, not tastes.
This nutrient decline can leave your body with fewer of the components needed to build a healthy, energetic, pain free you.
I found the answer and it’s quick and easy too.
You really can take your health to that next level.
We’ve got food, but it’s not the regular grocery store food.
Did you know that scientists estimate that there are over 300,000 edible plants on our planet?

That’s right. The foods we’re talking about have been around for a long time.
These foods are the best kept secret out there. I want to share that secret with you. I have sustained energy, strength, stamina and much, much more because of these revolutionary food formulas.
These powerful foods come in bars, powders, beverages and capsules so they’re easy and convenient to eat and take with you on the job too.
You will enjoy life again with these well-chosen foods that are unlike anything out there.
This is real. This is a way you can turn the clock back 10 – 15 years.
These uniquely combined food formulations are your formula for health.
Are you ready to enjoy your next level of health?
These advanced food formulas will supercharge your journey to health, energy and comfort.
You can enjoy a better version of YOU.
Get unequaled health and improvement.
Enjoy the rejuvenating process of restoration.
Are you ready to transform your life?
Be prepared to receive powerful information.
It’s time to rebuild your body and reshape your confidence.
Take the 1st step toward a healthier and vigorous you.
Unlock the new you.
Transform your life.
Achieve your next level of health.
Be the best version of yourself.
1. Click The Button below.
2. ENTER your contact information.
3. SELECT a time that works for you for a free consultation.
4. TAKE THE SURVEY my sister-in-law, Yvonne, gives you.
That’s right, it really is my sister-in-law who will call you.
She will develop a personalized program that works for you to help you reach your goals.
Then do what she says, because she’s the Boss Lady and she’ll help you get and stay on track to achieve the best version of you.
You’ll experience life like you used to.
You’ll enjoy living and working in your body again.
I transformed my body.
YOU can do it too.
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