Please join in for one of our many INFORMATIVE conference calls:


Our Sunrider Fix@6 is every Monday night. It’s like a book-club on the phone. It’s FREE! We talk about all things Sunrider. You will learn a lot. Ask the person that told you about Sunrider to give you the number and PIN for access.

Regeneration Intro Call

Our monthly call for basic Sunrider product information. Designed for those that are new to Sunrider or are looking to refresh. Invite a friend! It is also FREE! As above ask the person that told you about Sunrider to give you the number and PIN for access.

Smart Food Club

This is our phone call based series that will have you Fitter, Healthier and Skinnier just like the many hundreds – maybe thousands before you that sing its praises. Join in. And yes, same thing goes here – ask the person that told you about Sunrider to give you the number and PIN for access.


Other subject specific calls may be set up from time to time, so please stay tuned to this site, your team leader, or our newsletter.


There’s two ways to ask. Email us via the Contact page, OR Just ask the person that told you about Sunrider and they will fill you in on all that you need to know to get on board.