
Over three decades of advanced science and precise research with people of every age and health status helped create these healthy, nutritional foods, supplements and other products.

These amazing foods and products REGULARLY give people greater energy, better focus, smoother, clearer skin, stronger memory, and improved mood, relaxation and sleep. What happens from there, for you, is up to your body.

You probably know, from the results that you have heard about in others, that you really will benefit in other ways as well!

The case for the Sunrider foods is extensive and extremely conclusive. We are proud to tell you, without qualification, exception, or fear of any contradiction, that they are simply the finest and most absolutely effective health products that exist. It’s that simple.

It is true that there are many products in the Sunrider range.

As you get to know Sunrider more, you will very likely want to include more and more of them in your regular daily consumption.

We suggest to begin with, just start with three.


Highly effective herbal concentrates free of any chemicals, artificial fillers, colors, preservatives

So let’s just start with NuPlus, Quinary and Calli.

Experience tells us that you are going to love them and love how they make you feel!

Why? Well, these ‘BASIC FOODS’ (or FOUNDATION FOODS as we sometimes call them) form the core need for ANYONE, whether using the other incredible Sunrider products or not.

Oh, and rest assured that the Sunrider products contain NO chemicals, artificial fillers, colors, preservatives. None! So, enjoy!
Keep an eye on this page for other products to be featured.
For more information on ordering, talk to the person that recommended you to this site to discuss your needs, or to get a copy of our newsletter.
And remember!!! The Sunrider products create an incredible opportunity for you to make a fantastic extra income for the special things in life.

DISCLAIMER: The Sunrider foods are not designed for any form of prescription, diagnosis, treatment, cure or mitigation of any disease or condition. No suggestion is made, intended, or should be construed, that every person will share the same results. Every body is different. Results and their degree are a personal experience.